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Three new species of Valeriana (Valerianoideae, Caprifoliaceae) from southern Ecuador

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Three new species of Valeriana from southern Ecuador are described and illustrated. Valeriana plateadensis is found near the highest peak of Cerro Plateado in Cordillera del Condor at 2900 m a.s.l. and is recognized by the shrubby habit and sessile, densely imbricate, spatulate leaves and 3-lobed corollas.

V. yacuriensis is found near Lagunas Negras de Jimbura in the Parque Nacional Yacuri at 3500 m a.s.l. and is recognized by the shrubby habit, petiolate leaves and 3-lobed corollas. V. xenophylloides is found in the Paramo de Patococha at 3400 m a.s.l. and is recognized by its cushion growth form, the crown of trichomes at the leaf apex and 3-lobed corollas.