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Maxwell-Bloch equations without spectral broadening: the long-time asymptotics of an input pulse in a long two-level laser amplifier

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


We study the problem of propagation of an input electromagnetic pulse through a long two-level laser amplifier under trivial initial conditions. In this paper, we consider an unstable model described by the Maxwell-Bloch equations without spectral broadening.

Previously, this model was studied by Manakov in (1982 Zh. Eksp.

Teor. Fiz. 83 68-75) and together with Novokshenov in (1986 Teor.

Mat. Fiz. 69 40-54).

We consider this model in a more natural formulation as an initial-boundary (mixed) problem using a modern version of the inverse scattering transform method in the form of a suitable Riemann-Hilbert (RH) problem. The RH problem arises as a result of applying the Fokas-Its method of simultaneous analysis of the corresponding spectral problems for the Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur equations.

This approach makes it possible to obtain rigorous asymptotic results at large times, which differ significantly from the previous ones. Differences take place both near the light cone and in the tail region, where a new type of solitons is found against an oscillating background.

These solitons are physically relevant, their velocities are smaller than the speed of light. The number of such solitons can be either finite or infinite (in the latter case, the set of zeros has a condensation point at infinity).

Such solitons cannot be reflectionless, they are generated by zeros of the reflection coefficient of the input pulse (and not by poles of the transmission coefficient). Thus our approach shows the presence of a new phenomenon in soliton theory, namely, the boundary condition (input pulse) of a mixed problem under trivial initial conditions can generate solitons due to the zeros of the reflection coefficient, while the poles of the transmission coefficient do not contribute to the asymptotics of the solution.