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Ordovician conulariid monospecific assemblages (Czech Republic, Morocco)



A recently discovered locality of the Katian age near Erfoud (Morocco) supports an assump tion that at least some conulariids lived preferably in monospecific associations. Thousands of skeletons belonging to Archaeoconularia consobrina (Barrande, 1867) were documented in an extensive accumulation within a 20 cm thick calcareous sandstone bed containing also rounded intraclasts of fine-grained sediments.

The specimens are well exposed on the top surface of the bed due to weathering. The specimens have the same prevailing orientation throughout the entire bed.

The preservation and distribution patterns of these conulariids suggest a parautochthonous origin of the accumulation that was likely deposited after a single, high water-energy event, such as a storm or turbidite flow.