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The OmniOMR Project

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


In March 2023, the OmniOMR project started with the aim of applying OMR technologies in a digital library environment. The project aims to provide full-text search functionality in musical documents in diverse library collections, covering primarily Common Western Music Notation, but (white) mensural and diastematic chant notations as well, both printed and handwritten.

To provide this capability, we aim to build an "OmniOMR Service" - not just for recognition, but also the preceding step of music notation detection and classification, as not all documents that contain music notation are marked in library collections with the appropriate metadata. A significant condition for the project's success is building a dataset that accurately reflects the challenges present in a broad library collection.

This report lays out in more detail the goals of the project, its current status, and most importantly, we outline the opportunities for collaboration across the OMR community.