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Methodology for solving word problems: an effective way of enriching elementary school students with effective strategies for solving word problems

Publication at Faculty of Education |


We will present the newly created Methodology, which was jointly developed by a team of mathematics didactics, Czech language didactics and psychologists from the Faculty of Pedagogy in Prague as part of the TAČR project Supporting the integration of mathematical, reading and language literacy among primary school pupils through the solution of word problems. The aim of the methodological materials is to offer 1st grade primary school teachers and mathematics teachers as well as 2nd grade Czech language teachers comprehensive material for consistent work with word problems so that pupils develop the ability to solve word problems with understanding.

The development of metacognitive abilities, reading and language literacy is closely connected with this. We will introduce the basic principles of working with designed word problems and get to know four types of word problems that are not normally used in schools.