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Prague-Passau Symposium Series. Traditions, Transmission, and Texts in Early Judaism and Christianity: Perspective from Social Memory Theory. Reading Bioi together: Social Memory Theory Meets Classics



The international symposium, organized in Prague and Passau by a long-term collaborative team, addressed the question of the literary-rhetorical genre of the Gospels and the genre of ancient biographies through the lens of the theory of social memory, with the contribution of the study of orality. Contributions also addressed intertextuality, reception theory, and different perceptions of genres in the context of non-Jewish and Jewish authors.

The thesis of whether the Gospels are a sui generis genre was also examined, and attention was given to Lucian of Samosata, Theon of Alexandria, Aesop, Tacitus, and Plutarch. Researchers from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, and Canada attended the event.

Charles University in Prague, the University of Passau, Trinity Western University - Langley BC, and Ludwig-Maxmilians Universität Munich were represented.