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Prevention, early detection and treatment of osteoporosis in the general practitionerś office

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Osteoporosis is a serious systemic skeletal disease with major medical, social, and economic impact. It affects more than half a million people in the Czech Republic and often escapes diagnosis until the manifestation of complications or is diagnosed late.

The introduction of the Population program for the early detection of osteoporosis in the Czech Republic, which anticipates the active participation of general practitioners and gynecologists not only in diagnosis but above all in treatment, may be a decisive step towards improving the situation. Osteoporosis treatment is accessible, covered by health insurance, and the removal of prescription specialty limits will enable treatment by general practitioners as well.

Antiresorptive medications, as the predominant treatment method, demonstrate excellent therapeutic effectiveness with minimal adverse side effects. The decision regarding each medication should be customized based on clinical needs, comorbidities, and potential complication risks.

Close collaboration between primary care physicians and specialists will undoubtedly enhance the current situation