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On non-parallelism in Czech

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


This collective monograph systematically examines the phenomenon of non/parallelism in Czech as a language, emphasizing various linguistic levels. The goal is to analyze the concept of non/parallelism from lexical-grammatical, linguodidactic, and semantic perspectives.

The authorial team focuses on selected examples of interlanguage structural non-correspondence, highlighting its significance in the context of non-identity between language codes. Non/parallelism manifests itself on all linguistic levels and planes in diverse ways, representing a tangible consequence of distinctions between natural languages.

The monograph also addresses methods of lingodidactic interpretation of non-parallel grammatical categories, introducing a prospective onomasiological approach. In subsequent chapters, it provides an overview of the development of foreign language teaching methods and explores the phenomenon of non/parallelism in the aspect of aspect category in Czech and lexically in motion verbs.

The monograph offers a comprehensive view of this topic, providing both theoretical and practical insights for linguodidactic research.