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Summer School of Slavonic Studies, 66th edition



The Summer School of Slavic Studies offers a unique month-long intensive Bohemistics course attended by scholarship holders from the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports, the rectorate of Charles University, as well as self-paying participants. The main instruction is concentrated within five morning teaching hours and includes intensive language courses, specialized seminars, and lectures.

Language courses are divided according to the level of proficiency in the Czech language: for beginners, slightly advanced, intermediate, advanced, and highly advanced (A0 to C2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). In the afternoons and evenings, students have the opportunity to participate in guided tours, workshops, and seminars.

The program also includes full-day excursions to historically significant places. The exceptional nature of this course is evidenced by its nearly seventy-year tradition, as well as the number of participants who attend the Summer School of Slavic Studies.

In 2023, the LSSS had 135 participants.