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Russia in Finnish literature

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The overview article is devoted to the depiction of Russia and Russians in Finnish literature both in the 19th and during the 20th century, but especially in contemporary Finnish literature. The main focus is on Finnish fiction with this theme as well as non-fiction books, which have been translated into Czech.

It points out how Finnish authors portray Russia and Russians, which is most evident in the works that describe the Finnish-Russian, respectively Finnish-Soviet war (i.e. the Civil War in 1918 and the three wars that took place within the Second World War: the Winter War, the Continuation War and the Lapland War). Finnish literature drew inspiration from Russian since the 19th century, but in the 20th century its importance as a source of inspiration gradually declined.

Considering the current geopolitical situation, the question is how Finnish-Russian literary reflections will develop in the future.