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Prague City Gallery in cooperation with a transdisciplinary platform announced the second year of an open call for temporary proposals of artistic interventions to be implemented in the peripheral urban areas



The authors propose the installation of three objects in the space between Na Skalce Street and the southeastern edge of the elevated platform. Wooden objects in the shape of a ring attract the attention of passers-by and point out the uniqueness of the place in a new way.

The first object, located close to the road, represents a delicate, fragile wooden structure in the shape of a polyhedron - a ring. At the same time, it is a barrier for any parked cars and the boundary of the addressed space.

The second object, also in the shape of a ring, represents a circular walking platform and is located around the tree on the southern edge of the platform. Simple wooden construction allows you to go around a tree, to see a place from an unusual perspective, to stop, to sit down. It provides views to the south and offers direct contact with the treetop.

The third object is a synthesis of the first two. The circular walking platform is located at a height of half a meter, on an elegant wooden structure, and provides both a view and a place to sit. In the middle of it is a vertical dominant - a six-meter high slender mast, caught by thin colored strings. The string network forms the silhouette of a cone or hyperboloid and humorously refers both to the tradition of maypoles and to probably the most famous Czech lookout tower Ještěd. Located on the southeastern edge of the platform, the building offers a view towards Prague, offers comfortable seating and is visible from the road and from the surrounding area.