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Internalized oppression and Brazilian, Angolan, Guinea-Bissauan, and Mozambican written literatures

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The paper presents how the Brazilian, Angolan, Guinea-Bissauan, and Mozambican written literatures deals with the topic of different types of internalization of different types of oppression. Nietzsche describes the very process of internalization in the context of the formation of a bad conscience in his Genealogy of Morals (1887); internalization (Verinnerlichung) is described here as a resistance that cannot be expressed by man towards the external world (for example, because he is threatened with punishment) and therefore turns to the internal world.

This turn may have occurred when the oppressed were in conflict with the apparatus of power; if they wanted to get out of it without physical harm or end up in prison, their dissent had to remain unmanifested. The paper analysis from a narratological point of view selected prosaic texts rooted in concrete historical periods and social circumstances marked by overcoming of slavery and colonialism.

According to Paulo Freire and his Pedagogia do Oprimido (1967-1968), oppression is an obstacle that prevents the individual from developing his consciousness and critical cognition, and therefore limits and disempowers him, and the internalization of oppression is therefore still an urgent topic expressed in the current literatures written in Portuguese in Brazil and in African Lusophone countries.