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Research, development and realization of the modular turbidimetric titration system BETA 2000 for beer analysis



There was developed and created the modular system consisting of a precise laboratory hazemeter, special adapters, couvettes, stirrers, dosing pumps and SW. Hazemeter is a stand-alone laboratory device.

It is controled by built-in microprocessor unit. Owing to the immersion liquid used in a measuring chamber there is possible to carry out haze measurement not only in special high-volume glass couvettes but in closed unopened bottles of different diameters and in small-volume test tubes too.

Modular system for may be used many laboratory analysis of beer (standard output quality controll of a filtrated beer haze, measurement o high haze level of intermediates, chill haze measurement at forcing tests, haze titration tests for the prediction of colloidal beer stability e.g. tannoid contend test according to Chapon, test of sensitive proteins.)