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Compression of Semistructured Documents

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


EGOTHOR is a search engine that indexes the Web and allows us to search the Web documents. Its hit list contains URL and title of the hits, and also some snippet which tries to shortly show a match.

The snippet can be almost always assembled by an algorithm that has a full knowledge of the original document (mostly HTML page). It implies that the search engine is required to store the full text of the documents as part of the index. Such a requirement leads us to an appropriate compression algorithm which would reduce the space demand.

One of the solutions could be some use of common compression methods, for instance gzip or bzip2, but it might be preferable to develop a new method which would take advantage of the document structure, or rather, the textual character of the documents. There already exist special compression text algorithms and methods for a compression of XML documents. The aim of this paper is an integration of the two approaches to achieve an optimal level of the compression ratio