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Short Answers to Exponentially Long Questions: Extremal Aspects of Homomorphism Duality

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We prove that there exists a constant $k$ such that for every $n \geq 1$ there exists a directed core graph $H_n$ with at least $2^n$ vertices such that a directed graph $G$ is $H_n$-colorable if and only if every subgraph of $G$ with at most $kn\log(n)$ vertices is $H_n$-colorable. Our examples show that in general the 'duals of relational structures' in the sense of [J.

Nesetril and C. Tardif, J.

Combin. Theory Ser.

B, 80 (2000), pp. 80-97] can have superpolynomial size. The construction given in this paper gives a double exponential upper bound for such a construction.

Here we improve this to an exponential upper bound.