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The Investigations of Subjectivity: Poet and Philosopher

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


A study examines different approaches to the relationship between philosophy and poetry. According to the German romantics, poetry is a symphilosophy, what means that poet can, in his discoveries, go further than a philosopher /Schelling/.

Another approach strongly contrasts the poetic and the philosophic language /Derrida, Deleuze/. The author tries to demonstrate, that such a dichotomy /in fact, there is a trichotomy in Deleuze´s argumentation, because the science is added/ is too sharp and simplifying as well; that the poet is looking for the whole - the essence - the ?esse?, too, but his or her route to this goal, as well as his way of grasping the matter, are necessarily different.

The notions of chaos /Deleuze/ or Lichtseite des Daseins /Heidegger/, used for the description of a poet´s activity, are also examined here and revised. At the same time, different ways of poetic creation - which represents poet´s investigations of subjectivity - are depicted.