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Stress in the Psychiatric Nursing

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Working in the health care is generally associated with a higher level of stress in comparison with most other vocations. The aim of the study was to assess frequency and intensity of occupational stressors as well as frequency and efficacy of anti-stress measures in psychiatric versus non-psychiatric hospital nurses using a questionnaire.

One hundred and twelve nurses from mental hospitals Jihlava and Havlíčkův Brod, and sixty-eight nurses working at somatic clinics in the Univ. Hospit.

Hradec Králové were enrolled into the survey. The main result of the study is that psychiatric nurses are better at coping with occupational stress than their counterparts at non-psychiatric hospital wards (P<0.05, Fisher's exact test).

This finding can be used in a prevention of stress and burn-out syndrome of a nursing staff especially at somatic wards of general hospitals.