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The suggestion of the recommended process in nasal challenge test

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Nasal challenge test is a method for the confirmation of the nasal response to provocation by specific or nonspecific nasal stimuli which is possible to verify by investigation of nasal airflow and resistance using rhinomanometry and evaluation of the symptom score. The aim of investigation is to determine the degree of nasal obstruction.

The nasal airflow (ml/s) is measured in different pressures (75, 150 and 300 Pa). The European committee for standardisation in rhinomanometry recommended active anterior rhinomanometry for performing tests and as reporting values are recommended parameters measured at the pressure 150 Pa.

Nasal challenge test contributes in indicated cases confirmation causality of allergic diseases, its utilisation is also suitable for researches, e.g. for testing pharmacotherapeutic effects and the monitoring the course of therapy (especially allergen immunotherapy). : nasal challenge test; rhinomanometry; rhinosymptomscore