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The coexistence of well-differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma (carcinoid) of the pancreas and Crohn´s disease complicated with systemic AA amyloidosis. A case report

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


We describe the case of 75-year-old male with Crohn?s disease (lasting 10 years, ileal and colon involvement) where multiple spheric nodules of well-differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma (carcinoid) in liver parenchyma was proved in July 1999. Although there were both liver lobes involved, carcinoid syndrome occured five years after the diagnosis had been established.

Therapy with lanreotide decreased the carcinoid symptoms, not the growth of the tumour mass. To find the origin of the liver metastases the patient underwent intra-operative enteroscopy with following resection of stenoses of distal ileum, ceacum and appendix in February 2005.

We did not find the origin of carcinoid metastases of the liver during the patient?s life. Crohn?s disease was in full-remission the whole time.

His health condition was serious and was complicated with bronchopneumonia, which led to death in November 2005.