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Lower Urinary Tract Symtoms (LUTS) From The View Of Urogynecology, Pathophysiology, Diagnostics And Therapy

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


This article discusses the occurrence of lower urinary tract symptoms (today obligatory designated as LUTS-Low Urinary Tract Symptoms) in males without objective sexual subvesicularis obstruction but especially in females (occurrence of feminine prostate is still a rare histological finding) resulting in the development of urodynamic diagnostics of these symptomatic groups. Attention is also paid to the necessity of actual opinion revision of the etiology of these states. For many years symptomatology of the lower urinary tract has been connected with males with benign prostate hyperplasia and with females with relapsing (chronic) infection of the urinary tract.

However, it concerns a significantly considerable group of diseases and cooperation of women with gynecologists and urologists during the evaluation, diagnostics and therapy of these states is necessary.