The aim of the publication is to give an overview of contemporary possibilities of catheter treatment of congenital and acquired heart defects in adults. The procedures in standard treatment are described in great detail.
The intention of the author was to remind anew of transseptal puncture using the method of two needles according to Endrys. Though it is used minimally in the diagnostics of heart defects nowadays, we assume a growing necessity of performing safe transseptal puncture with the development of catheter treatment for heart defects in the future, and therefore the Endrys´ method should not be forgotten.
For the sake of completeness we mention also closure of the left atrial auricula, though it is not a heart defect. Part of the book is transformed into an instructional DVD, where the procedures of transseptal puncture, mitral valvuloplasty and closure of atrial septum by Amplatz occluder is documented at full length.