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Combination of imatinib and anagrelide in treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia in blastic phase

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


No study about the use of imatinib with anagrelide in BP has been found. 51-year-old white man with CML presented in blast phase was followed for 4 years. Imatinib mesylate in dose of 600 mg p.o. qd. was administered after the failure of initial chemotherapy.

The patient was treated with imatinib for 45 months, 14.5 months in combination with anagrelide. Partial hematologic response in duration of 33 months was induced by imatinib, cytogenetic response was not reached.

Imatinib-resistant thrombocythemia was controlled with anagrelide in dose of 0.5-1 mg p.o. qd. No thrombohemorrhagic complications were observed.

The patient tolerated the combination of imatinib and anagrelide well and long-term survival gave him the chance of treatment with the new tyrosin kinase inhibitor (dasatinib).