The group of 18 patients (11 males and 7 females) treated by photodynamic therapy (PDT) at the Department of Dermatology of the Faculty Hospital in Hradec Králové during the period 1999-2003 was followed. Photosensitizers meso-tetra-para-sulphophenyl-porphin (TPPS4) and -aminolevulic acid (ALA) followed by irradiation by a source of visible light with the wave length of 600-800 nm in doses of 120-200 J/cm2 were used.
Evaluation after 6 months showed 62.5% healed lesions after TPPS4 use and only 50% after local ALA application. Nevertheless, the PDT seems to be a perspective method in the treatment of localized skin tumors and superficial inflammatory skin diseases.
However, its wider use is conditioned by the registration of photosensitizing substances in the Czech Republic.