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Our Clinical Experience with the Use of Photodynamic Therapy in Patients with the Basal Cell Carcinoma and Morbus Bowen (Comparison of Efficacy of Two Photosensitizers)

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


The group of 18 patients (11 males and 7 females) treated by photodynamic therapy (PDT) at the Department of Dermatology of the Faculty Hospital in Hradec Králové during the period 1999-2003 was followed. Photosensitizers meso-tetra-para-sulphophenyl-porphin (TPPS4) and -aminolevulic acid (ALA) followed by irradiation by a source of visible light with the wave length of 600-800 nm in doses of 120-200 J/cm2 were used.

Evaluation after 6 months showed 62.5% healed lesions after TPPS4 use and only 50% after local ALA application. Nevertheless, the PDT seems to be a perspective method in the treatment of localized skin tumors and superficial inflammatory skin diseases.

However, its wider use is conditioned by the registration of photosensitizing substances in the Czech Republic.