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Synchronous gastric tumours (carcinoid and adenocarcinoma) - report of two cases

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


We report two cases of synchronous gastric carcinoid and carcinoma. In the first case of a 79-year-old woman, three separate polypoid gastric tumours were found (adenocarcinoma and two carcinoid tumours).

There were marked intestinal metaplasia of the prepyloric antrum and focal chronic atrophic gastritis, with increased serum gastrin, Helicobacter pylori negative. Autoantibodies against parietal cells of the stomach were positive.

There were no distant metastases. Carcinoid syndrome was absent.

In the second case of a 77-year-old man, tumorous triplicity was found: gastric adenocarcinoma and carcinoid of the stomach as well as cutaneous non-Hodgkin B-cell lymphoma originating from the patient's face. Helicobacter pylori was negative at histology, there were no signs of atrophic gastritis.

Carcinoid syndrome was absent.