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Grow older in 21st century - how in pre-retirement age

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Sample 1006 persons in pre-senior age from 50 to 64 years that visited during one year their general practitioner was studied. There are many changes in present stereotypes, preparation for leaving job and to become retire, change of health status and lifestyle in this age category.

It is very important to prepare for older age especially to develop alternative activities in pre-retirement age. Working activity decreases with older age, less than one third of males and only 16 % of females are still working in age from 60 to 64 years.

Health status can significantly affect quality of life in old age. Majority of sample 82 % reported very good health, good and health adequate their age.

One third of females live alone in age from 60 to 64 years. They have family and friends closed to their domicile.

This contribution shows the ways of spending leisure time, physical activities and respondents, opinions of provision of care in the case of lost of self-sufficiency.