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Cytokinematics 2006



The tenth continuation of the International symposium Cytokinematics 2006 was organised on the 10 -12 September 2006 at the Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University in Hradec Králové. The main organiser was the Department of medical biology and genetics, with financial support from the Czechoslovak biological society and the Ministry of education of the Czech Republic under the auspice of The Royal Microscopical Society.

The main topics of the symposium were dynamics aspects of cellular processes in different model systems. 55 participants from 6 countries took place on this symposium. Several presentation based on our results in the frame of the research project MSM 0021620820 (Ministry of Education) were presented on this occasion.

Presentations summarize our results of the evaluation of the dynamic of cellular populations after the influence of model nutrients (zinc, inositol hexaphosphate).