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Dual imaging probes for magnetic resonance imaging and fluorescence microscopy based on perovskite manganite nanoparticles

Publication at Faculty of Science, Central Library of Charles University |


The present study reveals the potential of magnetic nanoparticles based on the La(0.75)Sr(0.25)MnO3 perovskite manganite for MRI. Moreover, it describes the development of the dual imaging probe where the magnetic cores are combined with a fluorescent moiety while the improved colloidal stability is achieved by a two-ply silica shell.

At first, the magnetic cores of La(0.75)Sr(0.25)MnO3 are coated with a hybrid silica layer, comprising a covalently attached fluorescein moiety that is subsequently covered by a pure silica layer providing the enhanced stability. Viability tests show that the complete particles are suitable for biological studies and the internalization occurs in different cell types.

Further experiments prove no fatal interference with the vitality. Relaxometric measurements confirm high spin-spin relaxivities and visualisation of in vitro labeled pancreatic islets by MRI is successfully tested.