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2-Phenylbiguanidinium hydrogen succinate methanol monosolvate

Publication at Faculty of Science |


In the crystal of the title compound, C8H12N5+ C4H5O4- CH3OH, the hydrogen succinate anions form infinite [010] chains via short, almost symmetrical, O...H...O hydrogen bonds. The 2-phenylbiguanidium cations interconnect these chains into layers lying parallel to the bc plane by way of N-H...O links.

These planes only weakly interact in the direction of the a axis via C-H..."pi" contacts between offset phenyl rings, leaving as much as 17% of the unit-cell volume accessible for the solvent. However, the methanol solvent molecules could not be resolved due to extensive disorder and their assumed presence was removed from the overall scattering by the PLATON SQUEEZE procedure.