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Critical Analysis of the Cutileiro Plan for Bosnia and Herzegovina

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Cutileiro plan was designed as an effort of the international community to deal with the escalated tensions on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the beginning of 1992. Since the International Conference on former Yugoslavia held in The Hague adopted a statement that Yugoslavia as a legal body had ceased to exist, it was necessary to implement a feasible policy towards Bosnia, which as a multiethnic country with antagonistic aims of the representatives of distinct ethnic communities was directly threatened by ethnic violence.

Cutileiro plan sought to divide the country into three constituent units, which were allocated to each ethnic community and were not necessarily contiguous. Hence it was the ethnic principle which was deliberately chosen as a major criterion for establishing a new political structure of Bosnia.

However, the plan was ultimately rejected – Muslim delegates were unwiling to support the division of the country and the proposed structure was rejected by all three sides.