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Parental effects on occurence of extrapair sexual behavior

Publication at Faculty of Science, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Humanities |


Besides frequent sanctions and potentially serious consequences, extra-pair sexual activities are a relatively common phenomenon. Most previous studies focused on gender differences related to extra-pair sex.

However, we can also see high variability even within individual genders. Here we focus on the link between previous experience with extra-pair sex in previous romantic relationships and in primary family and own reported extra-pair sex tendencies and behavior.

Each partner of the 86 long-term cohabiting couples filled in the Questionnaire of Dyadic Assesment, Extramarital Behavioural Intensions Scale and Infidelity Experience Questionnaire. Similarly as in previous studies, in women who reported extra-pair sex we found a lower level of overall Dyadic Adjustment.

This difference was mostly due to a difference in subscale Affectional Expression. We found no similar differences in case of men.