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“The Worst Freak of the Czech Youth” : Swing music in protectorate as a Protest-Expression.

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Text deals with the members of the first Czech urban subculture to endorse American culture and swing music under the Nazi occupation of Bohemia and Moravia referred to themselves as „potapky“ and „bedly“. They dressed in eccentric clothes such as a loose coat, high sole boots and brightly colored socks, boys wore long hair.

Swing music also became a generational expression of significant part of young Czechs and this subculture meant a rebellion against occupation. Nazi occupational authorities as Sicherheitsdienst monitored these members and the Council for the Education of Youth in Bohemia and Moravia set the swing subculture didactically as a bad example, demonstrating how Czech youth should not behave themself.

After the renewal of Czechoslovakia similar rhetoric was adopted by the communist party and its youth.