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Stapler Procedure for Anal Prolapse and Hemorrhoids: Long-term Results

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


The surgical treatment of internal hemorrhoids and anal canal prolapse using stapler technique was introduced to clinical practice by Longo, as soon as in 1993. At the Dept. of Surgery, Teachnig Hospital Hradec Králové, this surgical method has been carried out since 1999.

The aim of this work was to analyze the long-term results of the Longo's operation. This study has been based on the retrospective documentation analysis complemented by a questionnaire-survey.

It is the retrospective documentation study complemented by a questionnaire-survey. From this number 65 patients who were operated on at least one year before the follow-up analysis was performed were included into the study.

We think of Longo's operation in indicated cases as safe and suitable for the hemorrhoids therapy.