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Pokles kurzu CZK a příhraniční obchod
1997 |
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Robert Pelikán: Legal personality. Wolters Kluwer ČR, Praha 2012, 188 stran, 293 CZK
2013 |
Faculty of Law
Jakub Morávek: Privacy in labor relations. Wolters Kluwer ČR, Praha 2013, 436 pages, 590 CZK
2013 |
Faculty of Law
Overview of case law in matters of civil obligations Wolters Kluwer CR, as, Prague 2010, 1156 pages, 1298 CZK
2011 |
Faculty of Law
Milena Horálková: Czech-German Law Dictionary Publishing Čeněk Aleš, Ltd., Plzeň 2011, 520 p., 499 CZK.
2011 |
Faculty of Law
Termination of offsetting liabilities - current legal status and changes in the new private law. Linde Praha 2013, 384 pages, 528 CZK
2013 |
Faculty of Law
J. Švestka, J. Dvořák, J. Fiala et al .: Civil Code. Comment. Volume I. Wolters Kluwer, as, Praha 2014.1736 parties CZK 2,490
2014 |
Faculty of Law
The winning labor category of Talent Competition Lawyer 2013 "The defendant is required to pay the non-pecuniary damage in the amount of CZK 1, and within three days of the final judgment."
2014 |
Faculty of Law
J. Herczeg, E. Hilgendorf, T. Gřivna (Hrsg.): Neue Herausforderungen Internetkriminalität und der Informationsgesellschaft des 21st Jahrhunderts Wolters Kluwer CR as, Prague 2010, 156 pages, 359 CZK
2011 |
Faculty of Law
Pavel Pořízek: Admission of aliens in the country. View International, the Union and the Czech law. OJSC Linde Praha, Praha 2013, 416 pages, 499 CZK
2013 |
Faculty of Law
Robert Pelikán: A Commentary on the Law on Transformation of Companies and Cooperatives, Part I leges, Ltd., Prague 2010, 288 pages, 380 CZK
2010 |
Faculty of Law, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
J. Švestka, J. Dvořák, J. Fiala, M. Zuklínová, H. New, D. Elischer, O. Frinta, D. Frintová: Civil Code. Comment. Volume II. (§ 655-975) Wolters Kluwer, as, Praha 2014, 752 pages, 1268 CZK
2014 |
Faculty of Law
J. Švestka, J. Dvořák, J. Fiala, M. Zuklínová, H. New, D. Elischer, O. Frinta, D. Frintová: Civil Code. Comment. Volume III. Wolters Kluwer, as, Praha 2014, 1328 pages, 2490 CZK
2014 |
Faculty of Law
Václav Budinský: Humor (only) Legal Practice C. H. Beck - a partner of the Czech Bar, Prague, 2010 208 pages, 290 CZK
2011 |
Faculty of Law
Michal Tomášek, Vladimir Týč et al. Law of the European Union. Leges Publishing Ltd. Praha 2013, 496 pages, 650 CZK
2013 |
Faculty of Law
Michaela Zuklínová: Co-ownership under Civil Code No. 89/2012 Coll. - Comment, compared with other countries and selected applicable case law. Linde Praha, 2013, 2nd edition, 112 pages, 245 CZK
2014 |
Faculty of Law
Michaela Zuklínová: Legal negotiations under Civil Code No. 89/2012 Coll. - Comment, compared with other countries and selected applicable case law. Linde Praha, 2013, 2nd edition, 192 pages, 340 CZK
2014 |
Faculty of Law
J. Baxa, O. Dráb, L. Kaniová, P. Lavický, A. Schiller, K. Šimek, M. Žišková: Tax Regulations. Commentary Wolters Kluwer CR, as, Prague 2011, 3 volumes, 1880 pages, 2635 CZK.
2011 |
Faculty of Law
Václav Pavlíček et al.: Constitutional Law and Politics, II. part Constitutional Law Leges Czech Republic, Prague 2011, 1st complete edition, 1120 pages, 1200 CZK
2012 |
Faculty of Law
Distribution and dynamics of Central-European exchange rates : evidence from intraday data
2009 |
Faculty of Social Sciences
Svejkovský, Kabelková, Vychopeň et al.: Templates of contracts, reliefs and foundation documents
2014 |
Central Library of Charles University
Economic Analysis of the Costs of Hospital Stay of Patients with Infection as a Complication of Total Replacements - Part 2: Total Hip Arthroplasty
2019 |
First Faculty of Medicine
Social costs of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs in CR in 2007
2011 |
First Faculty of Medicine
Impact of increasing child tax credit on family and state budgets
2015 |
Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Administrative Law Sanctioning after Recodification and its Influence on the Entrepreneur's Responsibility
2017 |
Faculty of Law
Prague Summer Olympic Games 2016: impact study
2006 |
Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Estimating the willingness to pay for microgeneration technologies: a case study
Publication without faculty affiliation
A covering material for invasive bloodstream inputs
Publication without faculty affiliation
To whom will help the proposed increase of tax credits for child?
Publication without faculty affiliation