Search for publications relevant for "magmatic fabric"
magmatic fabric
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Four magmatic fabrics in the Tuolumne batholith, central Sierra Nevada, California (USA): Implications for interpreting fabric patterns in plutons and evolution of magma chambers in the upper crust
2007 |
Faculty of Science
Is there a relationship between magmatic fabrics and brittle fractures in plutons? A view based on structural analysis, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and thermo-mechanical modelling of the Tanvald pluton (Bohemian Massif)
2006 |
Faculty of Science
Noncoaxial K-feldspar and AMS subfabrics in the Land's End granite, Cornwall: Evidence of magmatic fabric decoupling during late deformation and matrix crystallization
2010 |
Faculty of Science, First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Magmatic Fabric Pattern of the Land's End Granite (SW England): Comparative Study of AMS and Feldspar Phenocrysts Tensors
2003 |
Faculty of Science
Magmatic Fabric Pattern of the Land's End Granite (SW England): Comparative Study of AMS and Feldspar Phenocrysts Tensors
2003 |
First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Multiple magmatic fabrics in plutons: an overlooked tool for exploring interactions between magmatic processes and regional deformation?
2008 |
Faculty of Science
Quadruple-pronged enclaves: their significance for the interpretation of multiple magmatic fabrics in plutons
2003 |
Faculty of Science
Magnetic fabric and rheology of co-mingled magmas in the Nasavrky Plutonic Complex (E Bohenia): implications for intrusive strain regime and emplacement mechanism
1999 |
Faculty of Science
Multiple magmatic fabrics in the Sázava pluton (Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic): a result of superposition of wrench-dominated regional transpression on final emplacement
2005 |
Faculty of Science
A new approach to modeling perpendicular fabrics in porphyritic plutonic rocks using the finite element method
2012 |
Faculty of Science
Eastern Margin of the Tuolumne Intrusive Suite (Sierra Nevada Batholith): Magmatic fabrics, Internal structures, Host Rocks Deformation and Emplacement Models in an Continental Island Arc Magma Chamber
2002 |
Faculty of Science
Eastern Margin of the Tuolumne Intrusive Suite (Sierra Nevada Batholith): Magmatic fabrics, Internal structures, Host Rocks Deformation and Emplacement Models in an Continental Island Arc Magma Chamber
2002 |
First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Magmatic fabrics and emplacement of the cone-sheet-bearing Knížecí Stolec durbachitic pluton (Moldanubian Unit, Bohemian Massif): implications for mid-crustal reworking of granulitic lower crust in the Central European Variscides
2008 |
Faculty of Science
Tectonic evolution of a continental magmatic arc from transpression in the upper crust to exhumation of mid-crustal orogenic root recorded by episodically emplaced plutons: the Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex (Bohemian Massif)
2005 |
Faculty of Science
Modified Jeffery model: Influence of particle concentration on mineral fabric in moderately concentrated suspensions
2013 |
Faculty of Science
Causes of compositional diversity in a lobe of the Half Dome granodiorite, Tuolumne Batholith, Central Sierra Nevada, California
2010 |
Faculty of Science
Emplacement dynamics of phonolite magma into maar-diatreme structures - Correlation of field, thermal modeling and AMS analogue modeling data
2011 |
Faculty of Science, Central Library of Charles University
Magmatic history and geophysical signature of a post-collisional intrusive center emplaced nearby a crustal-scale shear zone: the Plechy granite pluton (Moldanubian batholith, Bohemian Massif)
2009 |
Faculty of Science
Intrusive and deformation history of the Sevetin Pluton, Moldanubian Batholith: record of polyphase tectonic evolution of the Blanice Graben, Bohemian Massif
2014 |
Faculty of Science
A review of mesoscopic magmatic structures and their potential for evaluating the hypersolidus evolution of intrusive complexes
2019 |
Faculty of Science
Simultaneous batholith emplacement, terrane/continent collision, and oroclinal bending in the Blue Mountains Province, North American Cordillera
2015 |
Faculty of Science
Multistage magma emplacement and progressive strain accumulation in the shallow-level Krkonoše-Jizera plutonic complex, Bohemian Massif
2013 |
Faculty of Science
Late Paleozoic-Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the Trans-Altai and South Gobi Zones in southern Mongolia based on structural and geochronological data
2014 |
Faculty of Science, Central Library of Charles University