Search for publications relevant for "felsic granulites"
felsic granulites
Origin of felsic granulite microstructure by heterogeneous decomposition of alkali feldspar and extreme weakening of orogenic lower crust during the Variscan orogeny
2011 |
Faculty of Science
High-pressure partial melting and melt loss in felsic granulites in the Kutna Hora complex, Bohemian Massif (Czech Republic)
2011 |
Faculty of Science
Magnetic fabrics in garnet peridotites-pyroxenites and host felsic granulites in the South Bohemian Granulites (Czech Republic): Implications for distinguishing between primary and metamorphism induced fabrics
2013 |
Faculty of Science
Intermediate granulite produced by transformation of eclogite at a felsic granulite contact, in Blanský les, Bohemian Massif
2014 |
Faculty of Science
Rare eclogite-mafic granulite in felsic granulite in Blansk y les: precursor of intermediate granulite in the Bohemian Massif?
2014 |
Faculty of Science
Diffusion-controlled development of silica-undersaturated domains in felsic granulites of the Bohemian Massif (Variscan belt of Central Europe)
2008 |
Faculty of Science
Felsic granulite with layers of eclogite facies rocks in the Bohemian Massif; did they share a common metamorphic history?
2017 |
Faculty of Science
First finding of microdiamond, coesite and other UHP phases in felsic granulites in the Moldanubian Zone: Implications for deep subduction and a revised geodynamic model for Variscan Orogeny in the Bohemian Massif
2014 |
Faculty of Science
Distribution of zinc and its role in the stabilization of spinel in high-grade felsic rocks of the Moldanubian domain (Bohemian Massif)
2009 |
Faculty of Science, Central Library of Charles University
A numerical model of exhumation of the orogenic lower crust in the Bohemian Massif during the Variscan orogeny
2012 |
Faculty of Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
South Bohemian HP Granulites with Lenses of HP/UHP Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks
2011 |
Faculty of Science, Central Library of Charles University
Contrasting mafic to felsic HP-HT granulites of the Blanský les Massif (Moldanubian Zone of southern Bohemia): complexity of mineral assemblages and metamorphic reactions
2013 |
Faculty of Science
Determination of field-independent and field-dependent components of anisotropy of susceptibility through standard AMS measurement in variable low fields II:
2009 |
Faculty of Science
Importance of crustal relamination in origin of the orogenic mantle peridotite–high-pressure granulite association: example from the Náměšť Granulite Massif (Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic)
2015 |
Central Library of Charles University
Heat sources and trigger mechanisms of exhumation of HP granulites inVariscan orogenic root
2011 |
Faculty of Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Primary magnetic fabric in an ultramafic body (Moldanubian Zone, European Variscides) survives exhumation-related granulite-amphibolite facies metamorphism
2009 |
Faculty of Science
Strain coupling between upper mantle and lower crust: natural example from the Běstvina granulite body, Bohemian Massif
2009 |
Faculty of Science
High-pressure granulites of the Podolsko complex, Bohemian Massif: An example of crustal rocks that were subducted to mantle depths and survived a pervasive mid-crustal high-temperature overprint
2016 |
Faculty of Science
Model of syn-convergent extrusion of orogenic lower crust in the core of the Variscan belt: implications for exhumation of high-pressure rocks in large hot orogens
2011 |
Faculty of Science
Subduction of lithospheric upper mantle recorded by solid phase inclusions and compositional zoning in garnet: Example from the Bohemian Massif
2013 |
Faculty of Science
High-pressure crystallization vs. recrystallization origin of garnet pyroxenite-eclogite within subduction related lithologies
2018 |
Faculty of Science
Prograde metamorphic history of UHP granulites from the Moldanubian zone (Bohemian Massif) revealed by major element and Y + REE zoning in garnets
2015 |
Faculty of Science
Implication of corona formation in a metatroctolite to the granulite facies overprint of HP-UHP rocks in the Moldanubian Zone (Bohemian Massif)
2015 |
Faculty of Science
Computational study of deformation mechanisms and grain size evolution in granulites - Implications for the rheology of the lower crust
2017 |
Faculty of Science
Effects of diffusion of water and migration of melts in crustal rocks: An experimental study
2020 |
Faculty of Science