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Czech for heritage language learners

Class at Faculty of Arts |


Repeated entry allowed. The following information is not repeated in the syllabus below:

- Continuous homework assignments (mainly focused on Czech language) will be given and feedback will be given, 

- in each seminar, time will be given to:  1) speaking skills, mainly focused on discussion related to the areas listed in the syllabus below,  2) exercises related to problem areas from the Czech language. 

The specific implementation of the syllabus will be adapted to the language level of the students.   


Week 1: monitoring students' language level

- specific profiles of the participants 

- recommended literature to study

- explanation of the principle of work, explanation of the homework 

- development of language skills: materials to determine language level  

Week 2-4: On the life of Czech compatriots 

- the needs of heritage language users from different perspectives (e.g. political, sociological, linguistic) 

- on current news from the Czech Republic with implications for the expatriate community 

- development of language skills: 

Week 2: speech skill: reading comprehension 

Week 3: speech skill: listening comprehension

Week 4: Speech skill: writing    

Week 5-8: Less widely spoken languages from the perspective of plurilingualism

- Bilingualism, Multilingualism, Plurilingualism 

- support of the state(s), education of compatriots (children, adults), difficulties and solutions

- development of language skills: 

Week 5: speech skill: reading comprehension 

Week 6: speech skill: listening comprehension 

Week 7: speech skill: writing  

Week 9-11: National consciousness 

- conveying Czech culture to Czech expatriates, deepening their national awareness and building their relationship to Czech language education 

- learning more about compatriots and strengthening their roots in the Czech Republic 

- development of language skills: 

Week 9: speech skill: reading comprehension

Week 10: speech skill: listening comprehension

Week 11: Speaking skill: Writing    

Week 12: final seminar

- summary of findings

- test 

- revision of selected speech areas, focus on problematic speech skills


The seminar is intended for students who are users of Czech as a heritage language. The course is based on an individual approach to students, on monitoring their level of Czech as a heritage language and on increasing their communication skills and abilities in Czech. For these reasons, the seminar is conducted exclusively in small groups. The work consists mainly of homework, tutorials and discussions on the problem areas that students face and which need to be looked at specifically (not from the perspective of teaching a foreign or native language). At present, there are no textbooks on the market for this target group, nor is there a systematic methodology for teaching Czech as a heritage language, which means that special materials will be prepared for the seminar, taking into account the needs of the students.

Link to the workshop: