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Additional Research Activities

Class at Hussite Theological Faculty |


Further scientific activity provides the student with space for gaining experience with various forms of scientific work. The student demonstrates his / her competence in scientific creative work. In an individual study plan, this obligation is usually imposed continuously for the duration of the standard period of study - at the same time, the student is obliged to fulfill each of the following obligations at least once during the standard period of study: publishing a critical review in a professional periodical; publication of a scientific study or article in a professional periodical or chapter in a professional monograph or monograph; submitting a grant project; active participation in an international conference and publication of a conference paper in a peer-reviewed conference proceedings.

Popularization lectures and awareness-raising activities are not considered a duty of further scientific activity.

Fulfillment of the duty is confirmed by a credit awarded by the supervisor - habilitated (academic or scientific worker) after assessing the student's written report on the ways of fulfilling the obligation.

Pro tento dotaz bohužel nemáme k dispozici žádné další výsledky.