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Music from Nature

Předmět na Fakulta humanitních studií |


* Monda 20 - Friday 24 May, 2024 DAY 1: introduction to the connection between natural sound and music. We will listen to musical examples, nature sounds, figure out how they connect. Day will be divided between listening indoors, then going outside as well. (Every day will have a mix) DAY 2: the story of the soundscape. We will study the work of R. Murray Schafer and how he influenced the way we listen to the landscape, and pass judgments about it. We do some soundwalking. DAY 3: How the use of nature in music has CHANGED over the last decades. What difference technology makes. We will discuss our reading. On this day we also explore the freetware Audacity and how it can be used to manipulate natural sounds. We go outside and RECORD sounds and learn how to work with them in creative ways. DAY 4: We continue in our discussions, walking, listening, and recording. We develop our skills re Audacity.

DAY 5: We work on our own musical projects, in groups, and at the end of the day, present them in a concert. NOTE: these activities could be divided differently among the fvide days.�


A five-day seminar for students at all levels on how to make music with the sounds and structures of the natural world. We will review the music and writings of others who have worked in this way, and go out in the field listening with our ears, and our technologies, then return to the classroom and studio to work in our own diverse ways, culminating in an informal performance for the group and for the public.

The course will be taught by hosting profesor David Rothenberg, New Jersey Technological University, USA, in collaboration with doc. Zuzana Jurková, Phd, and Oldřich Poděbradský, PhD., FHS UK.