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Religious Studies with specialisation in History of Religions

Study programme at Faculty of Arts |
🇨🇿 NMgr.


The graduate has good knowledge of the main theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of religion, and is able to apply them to the study of religious phenomena. He/she is able to evaluate and discuss various interpretations of any phenomenon studied.

He/she has in-depth knowledge of one religious area, and a good basic knowledge of another one, and is able to read source texts from one of them in the original language. He/she has learnt to classify and process information and to express his/her thoughts precisely and clearly in spoken and written form.

He/she is capable of examining socio-cultural topics from various perspectives and in deeper context. The graduate is ready to accept the otherness of various cultures of the world, to understand the logic of their worldview, and to facilitate intercultural communication.